Water Reticulation
Leamac Hydraulic Consultants takes into consideration all aspects relating to water supply for your development. We engineer design solutions for all hot, cold and warm water systems to suit your development, your brief and your budget. We ensure that we are up to date in the latest innovative products while adhering to the latest standards, codes and authority requirements. Knowledge of the water quality for any region is paramount when considering the type of pipework material and selected tapware.
Sustainability is increasingly becoming an integral part of our design process for all developments. Emphasis is being placed more and more on re-use of rainwater and recycled water supplies.
We have had many opportunities to design water systems to suit remote areas in the Northern Territory that have ‘aggressive / corrosive’ water conditions. This in effect means they have rapid and significant deterioration to the pipework and tapware. We can provide relevant advice concerning water treatment to extend the life of the water system.
Hot Water production is an integral part of the design process on all developments. Inferior designs can result in ineffective and inefficient systems for that development. If undersized, hot water will not provide the demand required and if oversized, will result in water loss and high energy consumption.